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Interregional Meeting Proves Sucessful

An “Interregional Leadership Convention” has resulted in what is being hailed as a win for interregional progress. Several ideas were also proposed at the convention, including an Interregional Union and interregional news networking.

Denland, a dual citizen of the Free Nations Region and the Union of Democratic States, was one of the leaders of the convention.

We interviewed him, and several other nations, at the convention:

UT: So, Denland, you took a lot of heat during your IU proposal. Why do you think that was?

Denland: Some people were wary about having an alliance that would be like a region, and some regions are already part of alliances such as FORGE and ITDA, but the IU would mean more than that.

UT: Please elaborate on that last part, please.

Denland: The IU would be a way for all regions to get together on interregional issues and it would be a beneficial and cooperative way to problem-solve together.

UT: Do you think that, despite the debate today, that it’s still viable?

Denland: It is. Just because some people are against it and skeptical of it, doesn’t mean we should lay down and give up on it. I think it would be a great thing for it to come to fruition, we just need to learn what happened tonight, make it more appealing, and fight for it.

UT: Thank you for your time, Denland.

Denland: Thank you.

The Interregional Leadership Conference is planned as an annual event and involved heads of state from the following regions and more: Union of Democratic States, Free Nations Region, The Region With No Big Banks, Democratic States Alliance, Parliamentary Union of Nations, New Republica, Westphalia, The Imperial States, and Atlantis.

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