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An Interview with the new Prime Minister

We asked the UDS’s new Prime Minister several questions created by the public. Here are Kanglia’s responses.

How do you plan to improve foreign relations? (from BMWSurfer)

I plan on improving foreign relations by simply being me. I already have good relations with many people in regions outside of this one. I plan on being a personable human being & attempting to garner support by being personable and polite.

What is your plan on improving the Council of State, if any? (from Great East Prussia)

I plan on improving the CoS by allowing them to be the ones who take charge. If I had one issue with the term of Brittalia, it was that he far too often tried to stronghold his way into being the headmaster of the CoS. I however do not feel that this is the way the Prime Minister should lead.

What are your plans to get the community more involved in different things to strengthen and improve the community as a whole? (from Leurthiana)

I plan on starting themes for our roleplaying, as well as having more posting on our RMB. I also intend to bring more nations in via recruitment to improve our community.

Are you planning to expand the UDS foreign corps? (from Great East Prussia)

Yes, I am planning on expanding the FA group. However I do plan on doing most of the FA ground work myself. I want to establish an application for embassies & an application for being an ambassador, as well as becoming a member of the Foreign Affairs team.

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